Inspección SLES 70%

Las personas del sector de productos químicos, conocen al Lauril éter sulfato sódico con la abreviatura de SLES, entre otras posibles. Para que el que no esté familiarizado con este producto, puede encontrar algún detalle más, por ejemplo, en este enlace:éter_sulfato_sódico

En Home Quality estamos familiarizados con la realización del control de calidad de diversos productos químicos, entre ellos el SLES 70%. Esto es, en el que el porcentaje de la materia activa es de un 70% (+-2%).

Nuestros objetivos principales durante la inspección, son:

1.- Encontrar el mejor fabricante con el precio más competitivo.

2.- Asegurarnos que el producto tiene la calidad óptima.

3.- La carga se hace de forma correcta en cada contenedor

El SLES, al tratarse de un tipo de materia prima, suele tener un precio que varía a lo largo del tiempo. Incluso en pocos días la variación de precio puede ser considerable, y por diversos motivos.

En Home Quality, una vez elegido el mejor precio de entre nuestros fabricantes habituales, enviamos una muestra al laboratorio hasta en dos ocasiones (antes de la inspección del pedido final, y en el momento de la inspección del pedido producido), para asegurarnos que la calidad será la óptima.

Una vez en la fábrica, llevamos a cabo diversar mediciones y comprobaciones, como por ejemplo:

  • inspección del peso de los barriles (tambos) tanto llenos como vacíos
  • comprobación del cierre, etiquetado y envasado de cada tambo
  • comprobación visual y toma de muestras para el laboratorio
Comprobando el peso del tambo lleno de SLES.
Inspeccionando el envasado dentro del tambo.
Toma de muestras de SLES para analizar en laboratorio.

Tras la toma de muestras, el siguiente paso es la supervisión de la carga de los barriles dentro de los contenedores. Comprobamos que sean apilados y sujetos dentro del contenedor de manera correcta para evitar que durante el transporte puedan llegar a caerse.

Inspección de la carga y sujeción de los tambos dentro del contenedor.

Los clientes tienen la facilidad de hacer el último pago del pedido tras conocer el resultado de laboratorio, lo cual da mayor seguridad y facilidad de negociación con el fabricante en caso de que el resultado fuera inferior a lo esperado (con nuestra experiencia y conocimiento acerca de este y otros productos químicos, no obtenemos resultados inferiores a lo pactado en un primer momento con la fábrica).

Nuestro éxito se basa en que tu empresa tenga éxito.

Ponte en contacto con nosotros si quieres contar con nuestros servicios.

La depreciación del Dólar puede afectar a la calidad.

En mayo de 2020, 1$ (USD) se cambiaba por 7,18¥ CNY (Yuan chino). La apreciación del CNY frente al dólar estadounidense ha superado el 10% en los últimos 7 meses hasta los 6,48¥ en enero de 2021. ¿Qué significa esto para el comercio de exportación?
A pesar de que las exportaciones crecieron rápidamente en la segunda mitad del año 2020, esto no ha supuesto mayores ganancias para muchos exportadores chinos. Sin embargo, muchos incluso han sufrido grandes pérdidas debido al aumento del valor de CNY.

El tipo de cambio, juntos con otros factores como el aumento vertiginoso de los fletes marítimos por un lado, y el aumento de precio de las materias primas por otro, son actualmente los tres mayores quebraderos de cabeza no solo para los fabricantes exportadores chinos, sino también para los importadores, incluso europeos, a pesar de la apreciación del euro frente al dólar.
En este contexto, la incertidumbre en la importación y exportación relacionada con China es muy alta. Esto crea un entorno comercial incierto en el que los proveedores pueden adoptar medidas para reducir las pérdidas, que pueden afectar directamente a la calidad del producto.

Cuenta con nosotros para conseguir una mayor tranquilidad en tus negocios con China.

Factory Audit service

Identifying the right factory determines the future of your products, because the capabilities and capacity of your manufacturer have to align with your needs.

In this article we will describe the process of the factory audit, a top method of supplier capability assessment.

Why use a Factory Audit?

Let’s imagine that you are sourcing products and have a potential supplier in mind. What can help you to be certain that you are making the right choice choosing it? A personal visit for an overlook of the factory production line, capacities and capabilities definitely would give you more perspective on the supplier, and be more influential in your decision. When you can´t do it yourself, a factory audit service by our reliable company would come helpful.

As well, if you already cooperate with someone and would like to improve their overall performance, a detailed CAP (corrective action plan) with improvement suggestions for the facility would be issued after the factory audit, following which the factory can get on the right path for the improvement of their quality system.

In general, during the factory audit we will focus on the following aspects:

  1. Factory profile
  2. Human resource
  3. Foreign trade capacity
  4. Production capability
  5. Quality control system
  6. R&D
  7. Special Requirements from Client

1. Factory profile

Firstly, we need to make sure if your supplier is legit and has valid documentation.

At this stage the auditor would check that your required products are within the factory’s registered business scope, and whether the factory/supplier has validity to manufacture and export the required goods.

Is the company a manufacturer or a trading company?, is their actual address and facility size the same as the registered ones? What is the year of their establishment and registered capital? These are the basic questions you will receive an answer to.

Usually the auditor would check the business license, export license, ISO 9001 and other ISO accreditations, BSCI / Sedex SMETA report, or specific documentation needed based on the supplier’s business scope.

2. Human resource

Have you ever ask yourself whether the person you are in contact with is a real employee of the company you want to cooperate with? An audit can bring more light to your potential supplier’s human resources.

That would allow you not only to check whether your contact is really an employee of the company, but also to understand how many shareholders, senior managers, and engineers the company has: internal quality control inspectors, R&D engineers, and their working experience in the company. A company with a bigger number of quality control related experienced staff is paying more attention to the QC.

3. Foreign trade capacity 

The geographical focus of the factory’s exports can tell a lot about products’ quality.

If the factory produces mostly products for export to Western Europe or USA for instance, it would have higher quality expectations for the products, than, let’s say, the factory that produces to some developing countries.

In addition, the factories that export to Europe would have more experience and knowledge about European standards, and compliance to them.

But that isn’t all, the factory audit can help you to bring more light to the supplier’s business volume overview for the specific regions, as well as get the statistical data of the supplier’s annual turnover and export turnover, get other customer’s referrals and check that this factory already has a representative in your country.

4. Production capability

This is the main engine of the factory, thus we check it closely to ensure that it is well functioning. At first, the auditor will verify whether all necessary parts of the production line are present from the raw material input, to the product packaging stage.

It is quite common that small and middle size manufacturing facilities don’t have all the necessary production equipment, thus it means that at some stage the production would be outsourced to another manufacturer. With product movements from one facility to another comes problems. The products can be damaged on the way, or the production would be less controlled and more problems can occur at the outsourced manufacturing facility, when your partner has no power to pull the strings.

Besides the facilities verifications, the auditor will check production machinery status – whether it is in use, repaired, or maybe out of use and too old, just collecting dust particles in the factory.

5. Quality Control system

The factory should have an established and well operated internal quality control system to track and improve quality issues of the production internally. Where there is no control or planning, many mistakes could happened.

The quality should be managed from the moment of receiving the raw material, to the final product manufacturing. That is why to ensure that the factory has a well managed QC system, our auditor will check the IQC (incoming quality control), IPQC (in-process quality control) and FQC (final quality control) records of the factory.

Moreover, the auditor will verify the related equipment that the factory owns for internal quality control. The more advanced QC department the supplier has with various equipment, the better product quality is controlled internally.

6. R&D (Research & Development)

If you are looking for an innovative supplier that strives for improvement and new technology implementation, here is the audit part that you need to pay attention to.

This part is dedicated to check whether the supplier owns any brands or patents, or can design new items and samples. Does the supplier test his pre-production samples internally?, does he have the ability to assess the various performance of the new item? These are the main questions for this part.

7. Client special requirements

Apart from our audit checklist, we also can customize the audit template as per the customer’s needs and perform the tasks that the customer pays most attention to. Here are some of the examples for the SR questions our customers ask us to do during the audits:

  1. Check the product certificates and validity of the certificate
  2. Check warranty certificates of the raw materials
  3. How does the factory research the new suppliers to keep up-to-date with new technologies?
  4. Is the factory facing bankruptcy?

…and many others.

If you are interested in conducting an audit on your potential supplier, feel free to let us know. HQ Team has more than 10+ years experience in factory auditing and product inspections, with a wide auditor and inspector net in the main industrial areas of China.

We would be honored to handle your Quality Control projects in China!

Velamos por tu empresa

Desde Home Quality ofrecemos servicios de control de calidad a todas aquellas empresas que están comprando en China, o están decididas a hacerlo.

Nuestro objetivo es convertirnos en tus ojos y tus manos para asegurarnos de que aquello que importas, llegue con la calidad que tu empresa merece.

Con un equipo humano altamente cualificado tanto de China como de España, nos aseguraremos de que todo cumple los estándares de calidad pactados con el fabricante.

Nuestro objetivo es conseguir tu éxito.

No lo dudes y contacta con nosotros para conocer más detalles.

¿Por qué es recomendable hacer control de calidad incluso cuando ya se ha comprado en China?

A menudo nos comunicamos con empresas que desean comprar en China, pero que tienen cierto temor a que lo que van a comprar, se parezca a las fotografías, pero su calidad sea deficiente. Les recomendamos nuestros servicios para conocer de primera mano cómo es realmente lo que están adquiriendo de China, y nos convertimos en sus manos y sus ojos para verificar que todo será correcto antes del embarque.

Sin embargo, a veces olvidamos dirigirnos a aquellas empresas que ya han tenido alguna experiencia en la importación de producto chino, y que además han tenido buena experiencia. El paso de los años desarrollando nuestro trabajo nos ha enseñado que muchas veces, lo que recibieron en una primera vez estaba muy bien, pero en una segunda o tercera vez fue disminuyendo de calidad o incluso lo recibieron en tamaños o colores equivocados.

Con nuestra ayuda, y por muy poco, podrá evitar daños o sorpresas desagradables que tienen fácil solución en origen.


Para conocer más detalles de nuestro trabajo, no dude en contactar con nosotros en:



Every company has to ensure that they hire quality control services that will ensure that they are able to better meet the quality needs of their customers. Here at Home Quality Trade limited, we ensure that we carry out quality control in factories located in China. By employing our services, you benefit from;

  1. Customer loyalty. When you are able to produce high quality products for your customers, the image of your factory is enhanced. The customers will be more confident when buying your product as they are sure that they will be satisfied with the product.
  2. Cost effectiveness. By hiring our services, you will be able to maintain cost effectiveness in your factory. This is because quality control will reduce the chances of having defective products and inferior products. Being cost effective is the main goal of every company to ensure that they are able to remain in business and increase their revenues.
  3. Another importance of hiring our quality control services is that a factory will be able to establish consistency. When a factory is able to produce goods of the same high quality value, they are able to illuminate a constituent quality of product. Consistency is important on ensuring that you are able to maintain customers and also project your production costs.
  4. Maintaining compliance is also a benefit that you will achieve with our services. As a factory, hiring our quality control services will ensure that your operations and products are at par with the regulations that have been set aside by the regulatory sectors.
  5. Another importance if employing our services is quality consciousness. This is where the factory workers are more conscious of the quality of products that they produce since they know that there is a quality control process that will access their products.
  6. With our services, you will also be able to minimize the costs of product inspection. This is because you have a product that has gone through the quality control process and this reduces the need for further inspection or thorough inspection.
  7. Hiring our quality control services will also ensure that you are able to upgrade your methods of production and production techniques. This is because we will tell you how you can better produce your product to ensure that you are able to achieve and maintain the desired quality.

Please, contact us if you need any further information.